Monday, November 23, 2009


The little things are what count, one "little thing" is giving a gift to someone when they are not expecting it. Almost everyone receives Christmas and Birthday gifts, but the unexpected is the best. This past week, Kurt Harden author of Cultural Offering sped into my office, gave me a Molskine Notebook and took off as quickly as he entered. Moleskine Notebooks have a legend of there own, Kurt has written about the notebooks several times.

I tried to pick up some tips on journal writing before I started my journal, click here for the tips I picked up. The journal started this past Friday after attending a rededication of a monument in honor of Dr. Burton, the first dark skinned physician to practice in Licking County, Ohio and at LMH.

The tips worked, it was a meaningful event to me and now I have it recorded. Don't know who will read it someday, but I know one thing for sure: the reader will know I am a terrible speller. Thank you, Kurt.


Kurt Harden said...

You are very welcome. Happy something-or-another.

Kurt Harden said...

You are very welcome. Happy something-or-another.