Saturday, July 4, 2009


John & Donna Lawrence are home from Iran for about a month or so, they brought me a hat that I have been considering buying for several years now.
The photo is of the wool Chitrali or Pakol hat that everyone has seen on the nightly news and often worn by the Afghanistan Northern Alliance or the Afghan Freedom Fighters. Originally from northwest Pakistan, when the Afghans fled to Pakistan, the freedom fighters came back into Afghanistan wearing this had and ready to fight.
Click here to learn more about the hat and how to tell a high quality versus poorer grade. The best I can tell my new hat is of upper quality.
Thanks John and Donna, enjoy your stay at home.


Kurt Harden said...

I will look forward to seeing you about town in that hat.

Licking County Chamber said...

I agree with Kurt. When you decide to wear it, you must stop by the Chamber!