Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Who voted "no"?

I have talked to many people during the past several months about the most recently won Newark School Levy (yesterday). Most people were very positive about the school levy and understanding the need, some were on the fence and hopefully I was able to give a point of reason so they would change their mind and give a positive vote.

Who votes "no"? Well I found the person today. He did not come right out and say he voted against the levy, he just placed his thoughts into one sentence.

"I ain't happy about it passing, it is going to cost me $750 per year"

This fellow has several rental homes and he was referring to the property tax increase he expects. The real persons this social security collecting fellow should be mad at are his parents, for teaching him not to say "ain't". I do not know if I am even spelling "ain't" correctly, most likely due to my mother not allowing me to use the word.

Congratulations to the schools and their volunteers who were able to win their levies during this tough economy, to the defeated schools and volunteers, please try again. I want to help.

1 comment:

Robin said...

For a woman who could out-swear a sailor if she had to, she still loved her list of "We don't use that word" words. Commendable job -- I am happy to know Newark came through and passed the levy.