Saturday, October 25, 2008


This post started off to be a guessing game, but with my limited amount of viewers it may be 2013 before a large number of people would view this photo and respond.

Last night there was a small fire on Clinton Street near Downtown Newark, the fire started on the outside and worked it's way into the home.

As the firefighters were ripping off the aluminum siding of this 100 plus year old home, they discovered a large bee's nest. As you can see in the photo the nest was built between two wall studs. The best I could count indicated there was 11 layers to the hive.

I know this is nothing to get excited about, but last night one of the firefighters told me of another firefighter who owned an older home and he and his wife could hear the bees at night in their walls. To only make it worst, honey dripped from the electrical outlets into their home.

Lesson learned: If you are ripping siding off your 100 year old home, do it during late October. If it would have been mid summer, we could have had one hundred yard dash time trials for the Olympics as the firefighters escaped the scene.

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