Monday, May 14, 2012

Eco-Frinedly development in the suburbs................

Eco-Friendly Development in the Suburbs

Licking County, Ohio epitomizes the Joel Kotkin (author of The Next Hundred Million: America in 2050) vision of the future which sees eco-friendly development in the United States for the next 40 years will be most robust in amenity-rich suburban locations offering green infrastructure. At one location, the Central Ohio Aerospace & Technology Center in Central Licking County, participants can pay witness to that vision.

In one compact location, the excursion host, the Heath-Newark-Licking County Port Authority will show off its redevelopment of the former Newark Air Force Base which is, today, an eco-friendly suburban industrial park with pragmatic, real-life applications of eco-friendly infrastructure. Participants will see use of a rail line for freight, recreational paths for commuting, LEED-certified buildings, Segway PT’s for on-site transportation, green manufacturing practices, heat island reduction techniques, pervious concrete drainage systems, and more.

The excursion will also expect to include a live demonstration of The Boeing Company’s Virtual Customer Integration Lab, a glimpse into the future of global collaboration via a virtual, 3-D environment used by Boeing today.

by Rick Platt, click here to read Rick's complete report.

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